Terms and Conditions
Cancellation Policy
Full refund if cancellation is made more than 15 days before your booking date.
50% refund if cancellation is made within 15 days of your booking date.
No refund if cancellation is made within 7 days of your booking date.
All prices are in New Zealand Dollars (NZD).
All prices include GST.
Full payment is required at the time of booking.
Arrival and Departure Times
Check-in: 3:00 PM. We will meet you at the designated parking area and provide a 4WD transfer to the accommodation.
Check-out: 11:00 AM.
If you plan to arrive outside the designated check-in time, prior arrangements must be made with the hosts.
We will do our best to accommodate alternate check-in and check-out times, subject to availability.
A short 4WD transfer is provided to take you to Valley Road accommodation on a steep farm track and collect you at the end of your stay.
Each booking includes one transfer up to the accommodation and one transfer down after your stay.
You are welcome to hike the 15-minute track to your vehicle if you wish to explore the surrounding areas.
For health and safety reasons, guests are not permitted to drive their own vehicles (including 4WDs) up to the accommodation.
Child and Animal Policy
For health and safety reasons, children are not permitted to stay at Valley Road. This is an adults-only retreat.
Pets are not allowed on the property.
As a working sheep and beef farm, you may encounter animals during your stay.
Number of Occupants
The accommodation is exclusively for the number of guests stated on the booking.
We can accommodate a maximum of two guests.
No functions, parties, or unauthorised visitors are allowed on the property without prior consent.
If more guests are found on the property than stated in the booking, we reserve the right to evict all guests immediately without refund.
Smoking Policy
Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the accommodation.
Evidence of smoking indoors will result in a $350 cleaning fee.
By making a booking, you agree to treat the property with respect, as if it were your own home, and to follow all terms and conditions.
Guests are responsible for any breakages or damage to the property, including furniture, fixtures, and fittings. Please notify us of any damages before you leave.
Damages beyond normal wear and tear (e.g., to the bed, shower, couch, kitchen, bath, or outdoor furniture) will incur charges to repair or replace the item.
Any costs for damages will be charged to your credit card if the conditions are not met.
Liability Disclaimer
We are not liable for the loss of personal property during your stay.
We are not responsible for any medical issues before, during, or after your stay.
We are not liable for injuries sustained during activities on-site.
We are not liable for injuries or damages resulting from attempts to drive on farm tracks.
We are not responsible for injuries or losses caused by failure to comply with these terms or by guest negligence.
Any disputes will be governed by the laws of New Zealand.
By booking with Valley Road Accommodation, you agree to indemnify us against any liability for injury, damage, or loss (personal or property) caused by your actions or those of your visitors during your stay.
Updates to Terms and Conditions
We reserve the right to update these terms and conditions as required.